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Freedom vs Fear

Balancing freedom/fear,

Living at home has taught me one golden rule: that I will die.

I will die and this will all be gone. I feel the time ticking away more and more.

I organized a coffee club with my friends to stave it off, but I feel the airbags of mortality slamming me in the face of the car wreck we call life.

I have lived my life based off of regret. Regret for not going further. For not standing for something.

What does it mean to have convictions and values? Apparently, like many mentors and guides before me, I cannot eat values. I can only eat material possessions and social capital. Were they right?

In the modern day, it's a constant struggle of freedom and fear. Do I buy the new keyboard, or do I hammer down on the one I have until it eventually breaks? Do I continue using AI software, which has turned me into ones and zeroes until some person like Elon Musk eventually uses it to hunt down detractors and opposition to his oligarchy? Do I buy a firearm to protect my family from oncoming collapse, or am I afraid of it being discharged in the house?

Venus in retrograde. Paranoid paradigm shifts. Are the good times really over for good?

Jonathan Leandoer in a viral interview said "the party is over...time to move to the country and make having families cool again."

This man, also known as Yung Lean, used to be an icon of spiritual resistance in the music underground, but it seems that we all must grow up.

He makes this choice out of freedom vs fear, restricting his freedom by having a family because of his fear of missing out on one.

FOMO. It's the combination of freedom and fear, it's what social media thrives off of, you're missing out on interaction on content, and advertisers and silicon oligarchs make billions off of your fight-or-flight system being triggered by these events.

How do we fight back? We could decentralize our communications, cancel Amazon Prime, and use things like Signal and Blue Sky. But I fear that the internet, like all new frontiers, has been completely conquered by the virus of capitalism. turning people into data, that is the goal of capitalism. data is profitable, data doesn't think, data is counted and exists with the same autonomy as a telephone line, to send a message and to receive it.

Owner of a new family? Congratulations, maybe don't post the pictures of your babies online. New house? good! don't post the picture of the new house, or any defining pictures.

AI will soon be used for warfare, if it already isn't. Palmer Luckey, inventor of the Oculus Rift now works entirely for the US Department of Defense, using AI technologies to aid them in their "defenses," whatever that means.

Have the tech bro CEOS been radicalized into the alt-right? Sure, all white men in the US have experienced this pipeline at one point or another. It's just now about measuring how much damage they are going to be able to inflict on us once the tides begin to turn. Will Elon invent a Panopticon out of our financial records? A prison where we could all be monitored and forced to work in our own little cubbies, better not upset the man in the tower, who has eyes on you at all times.

Hopefully, there will be a change of heart, much like there was one in me after 2020, that the far-right and the evils of authoritarianism are a rotting corpse of an idea of governance. Fascism is not the way forward, no matter how idealistic you are about it. The world is only turning and burning, life's a big boat and its full of holes and we are in this fucking boat together.

Keep in mind, any rhetoric about cute winter boots is not going to help you, they're using keywords to find you and document you. Please, stop posting on TikTok, if humanity really wants to rebel against these people, you have to quit using their infrastructure, it's called the information highway for a reason and you all are using the toll roads for your own hedonistic desires.

AOC said to start your own newsletters, blogs and use decentralized software. Get involved in your own communities, go to church for GOD'S SAKES, it's a community of people who can back you up and support, not to mention fill the vacuous spiritual hole that capital and tech has threshed inside all of us. God may have an answer for you, but don't see God as a God outside of you. God is in all of us, even the worst of us.

Free Gaza. May Light Perpetual Shine Upon Them.